Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Nursing and Care Essay Example for Free

Nursing and Care Essay The idea of Synergy can be applied to the act of nursing by methods for training and administration. To acquire Synergy in nursing the nurse’s information and aptitudes can meet the individual needs of the patient populace that is introduced. Right now in Western Pennsylvania, there is a rising number maternal substance maltreatment during pregnancy. This pestilence thus makes an alternate kind of populace in newborn children than different zones of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), with explicit medicinal services needs. One zone that is deficient with regards to cooperative energy is the consideration of this rising patient populace of newborn children experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). This makes a hole between nursing training and clinical application. Because of the ascent in NAS newborn children it is significant for medical attendants to be taught in legitimate consideration for a baby giving this analysis, side effect the executives, relational abilities, and the key information Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Poor patient results can be brought about by an absence of getting habit. The Vermont Oxford Network states, â€Å"Fear of vilification, separation, kid evacuation, poor treatment, and criminal indictment has deflected ladies from looking for care. In any case, the exploration recommends that giving substance subordinate ladies exhaustive human services, medication and liquor misuse treatment, and social help improves pregnancy, birth, and kid advancement results. † (Horbar, Soll Buus-Frank, 2013) When the newborn child is conceded into the intense consideration setting, the consideration needs of these patients should concentrate less on the quick result, and more on what will make the best useful for every patient as a person. There is a fundamental requirement for the improvement of cooperative answers for care and training in the medicinal services setting for the consideration of this rising populace. Frequently this is furnish care with a sensible objective of keeping up ideal degrees of solace with insignificant symptoms of pull back. â€Å"About 40% of newborn children who display withdrawal side effects can be treated without medicine. † (White, 2013) Nurses who set aside some effort to guarantee a degree of solace will assist with easing side effects of NAS pull back and furthermore help bolster the family in their infant’s care. Notwithstanding giving solace will help decline the should be cured for pull back and at last will prompt a shorter hospitalization. The supervisor of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit should address this issue and execute change so as to improve understanding results. The skills that make up the Synergy model are clinical judgment, support and good organization, caring practices, assistance of learning, coordinated effort, frameworks thinking, reaction to assorted variety, and clinical request. For the NAS populace promotion, clinical judgment, caring practices and help of learning are generally significant. Backing proposes the medical attendant to fill in as an ethical operator to take a shot at the infant’s benefit so as to give the best great to help settle worries that are both clinical and moral. Clinical judgment is the capacity for the medical attendant to take on the position of authority to think about their patient. Newborn children can't settle on medicinal services choices; the attendant must consider the parent’s wishes and what the outcome the nurses’ activities will yield for this baby. These activities should emphatically add to their arrangement of care by and large. Caring practices makes a sympathetic and helpful condition for each the patients, perceiving the remarkable needs of every newborn child. The medical caretaker goes about as a facilitator of realizing when he/she consolidates the comprehension of the infant’s family into the consideration. The Synergy mode incorporates understanding attributes, which are, strength, helplessness, steadiness, intricacy, asset accessibility, investment in care and dynamic and consistency. For the NAS populace the patient qualities would quickly relate intricacy, defenselessness, and cooperation in care and dynamic. Intricacy as alluded to with regards to the large number of side effects that are to be considered for legitimate consideration of the patient. These newborn children can't convey torment, indications needs, and what their desire’s are. For instance, these infant’s cry and are hopeless until the attendant experiences an experimentation until he/she makes sense of the necessities of the kid. They don't comprehend what is befalling them. Weakness incorporates the stressors that these patients will be presented to that may influence results. The babies rely upon the choices their families and medicinal services experts. Expanded length of medical clinic stay can prompt issues that may decrease in their as of now undermined condition, for instance, disease. In conclusion, the NAS patients are helpless because of the way that they can't settle on their own human services choices and need to rely upon guardians and social insurance suppliers to be talk for their sake. The guardians take an interest in care as they get data and help aid the consideration for their kid. Break down the Case Nursing training places accentuation on clinical introduction, physical stressors and conditions that influence the patient and their related medicines. Expanded training is required for attendants on the baby blues and NICU units about the treatment for this particular patient populace. With the expansion in tranquilize subordinate moms there is by all accounts small nursing training gave on baby blues and NICU nursing units about the consideration for these newborn children, and this issue should be tended to. â€Å"Infants with NAS have higher paces of neonatal confusions, delayed lengths of remain and devour significant NICU and emergency clinic assets. Further, they force a developing weight on effectively stressed medicinal services assets since state Medicaid uses are excessively affected. † (Horbar, Soll Buus-Frank, 2013) The organization and training group needs to recognize this issue and consolidate educating and refreshed examination on these units. One competency that needs cooperative energy in the nursing care of the NAS populace is coordinated effort. â€Å"Collaboration improves the limit of a gathering and expands the potential for progress. † (Hardin Kaplow, p. 75, 2005) It isn't phenomenal when diverse order zones, for example, the attendant, specialist, social laborer and so on recognize various objectives for the patient. Poor correspondence makes the group not work as one to team up and move in the direction of a shared objective. â€Å"A key to cooperation is the correspondence that must exist between the patient, family, and social insurance colleagues just as among individuals from the medicinal services group. Another cooperative energy lacking competency would be mindful practices, which is the exceptional nursing care gave to the patient and families. Inside the NAS populace medical attendants need to perceive the distinctions and fused them into the newborn children care. Having empathy and making a quieting domain help give comfort in a remedial situation. Generally the NAS populace is considered as level II care, this takes into account the medical caretakers to take on a numerous patient task of three to five newborn children one after another. The NAS populace is one of a kind; they require much pampering and practically steady consideration from the medical caretaker. Having more prominent than three patients makes an extraordinary hindrance these youngsters because of the attendant extending herself far to meet the essential needs of taking care of, changing and curing, the medical caretaker doesn't have satisfactory chance to shake and alleviate the newborn children causing more noteworthy pull back indications. The sound dynamic model will help distinguish and execute the fitting changes that are basic in improving consideration for the NAS populace. Improvement in the training of the social insurance staff will make better patient results. This dynamic procedure incorporates three stages to accomplish this goal: recognize potential results, decide likelihood of every result, and make a move with the most noteworthy likelihood to accomplish a positive result. The considered activities are expanded face to face preparing, obligatory survey of pieces of literature, or an on-line instructional class. The best constructive result would originate from expanded face to face preparing. Make a Change Proposal Some portion of the nursing direction for staff will be to take an interest in a class determined for the preparation identified with care of the NAS newborn child preceding working in the NICU. Composed material just as an introduction will be given. The going to doctor will say something about administrations gave to the NAS newborn child, prescriptions and significant realities that the doctor might want in report. For the staff nurses’ senior nursing ventures are appointed yearly and are introduced to keep up their status on the unit. Appointing NAS care to a couple of attendants every year will stay up with the latest examination on the unit. These medical attendants will take an interest in Internet introductions that attention on quality, security and care for babies and groups of and NAS newborn child. At long last, a staff part from the social work group will join and present his/her job on account of a NAS newborn child. The unit will give CEU’s to this preparation. This proposition will influence the unit inside by including the supervisory crew and numerous staff disciplines. The supervisory crew will help in this proposition by giving a day that is assigned this extra preparing and select the fitting nursing, doctor and social work staff to take an interest in running the program. At last acquiring CEU’s endorsed by the state leading body of medical caretakers to offer instruction credits for after the finishing of preparing. The assigned medical attendants doled out to NAS as a senior venture must stay up with the latest with the preparation data before the class of new staff, doing so will guarantee they are set up for questions that may emerge. With this proposition the staff has t

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Biography of Ogden Nash Essay -- Papers

Ogden Nash was conceived on August 19, 1902 in Rye, New York and was brought there and up in Savannah, Georgia. He got his training from St. George’s School in Rhode Island and he likewise went to Harvard University. His initially distributed sonnet Spring Comes to Murray Hill was included in the New Yorker Magazine in 1930. He in this manner joined the staff of the New Yorker Magazine in 1932. All through his profession he distributed an aggregate of nineteen books of verse before his passing on May 19, 1971. He controls the English language to fit in his sonnets to male jokes and keep his crowd engaged. Nash says he surrendered any expectation of turning into a genuine writer and concluded that it is smarter to be a decent terrible artist than to be an awful decent artist. Ogden Nash utilizes the utilization of silliness and happy stanza to discuss connections, child rearing, and life by and large. Connections were one of Ogden Nash’s generally expounded on subjects. Connections are a hard liable to compose fun verse about, yet Nash makes it bring about the ideal result by utilizing clever speculations and making them rhyme. He can do this like no other with any voice he feels required. He utilizes genuine, senseless, and earnest tones in his work identifying with connections. In one sonnet specifically â€Å"u of an Ode to Duty† he tells about the confounding consistently befuddling connection among people, and appears to take no undeniable side in the issue. â€Å"On a few events he writes in traditional modes, which means dropping the fun loving and the softly mocking to compose the unadulterated verse or to add a pedantic note to the predominant hilarious tenor of his verse,† (Louis Hasley,2). A large number of his sonnets about this point are composed with an individual vibe, perusing them causes you to feel as... ... which he sees consistently. â€Å"The articulation of astuteness, the mixed up audio effects, the comic flattening, all serve to charm the writer bonehead to his audience,†(George Crandell,3). Through review Nash’s verse I have discovered that there should be a voice like his out in the public eye to remark on garbage, else we would put some distance between our faculties of diversion. Works Cited Crandell, George W. Studies in American Humor, Vol. 7, 1989, pp.94-103. Frankenberg, Lloyd The New York Times Book Review, November 19, 1950, p.4 McCord, David The Saturday Review, February 10, 1951, p. 18 Hasley, Louis The Arizona Quarterly, Vol.27, 1971, pp. 241-250

Friday, August 21, 2020


Roamler One of the interviews we did during our Europe-trip was an interview with both co-founders of  Amsterdams start-up called Roamler   Wiggert de Haan and Martijn Nijhuis. The idea of Roamler as a start-up to collect location based insights for market research purposes.We asked Wiggert and Martijn about their path to an entrepreneur, about the business model of Roamler, and the market development of the market research over the last years. Both co-founders shared also their advices for the first time entrepreneurs.Martin: Hi, today we are in the beautiful Amsterdam with Roamler. Who are you and what do you do?Wiggert: I am Wiggert de Haan, co-founder of Roamler, and together with my friend we tried to build a global workforce for small tasks.Martijn: Yeah, and I am Martijn. With Roamler we collect and report location based insights. Therefore, we use a very intelligent, smartphone-based platform, and we use thousands of people, consumer like you and me that use this smartphone technolo gy to collect all these insights, report them to us, and then make money with it. Three years ago we were one of the first companies that really made it possible for consumers to make money with their iPhone, which was pretty unique.Martin: Can you walk us through the business model. How does it work technically, I know that people download the app, what do they do with it?Martijn: I don’t think we would worry with all the technical stuff, but the principle is very pretty easy. If our customer, like a big fast-moving brand, wants to know of 500 supermarket locations whether their product is on the shelf, available, then we just drill that down to a very small task that we make available in all the supermarkets. The Roamler consumer picks it up in his smartphone, he gets a notification once he passes the supermarket, and says, okay I can go into the supermarket, count the number of products of this brand, and I take a picture of it, and he gets all the information, he sends it thro ugh the app. Then we have a validation team, reviewing team, and they say you did your job well or you didn’t do well, if he did it well he gets accepted, our Roamler, the consumer, gets his couple of Euros, and our customer directly online gets the insights reported in an online portal. So that’s a little bit of the process. If you talk from the financial point of view, Roamler gets its credits, like two, three, four Euros for an audit, and our customer pays a little bit more, and the rest is to invest in our business.Martin: So basically there is a two sided model. First you need to acquire some individuals like having some app installs, and then on the other hand you do require someone to be the customer. How do you manage this kind of balance, because if you go to the corporate and tell them you could use our services but right now we don’t have a lot of individuals using our platform, or the other way round, how do you make this model work with having the two sides availa ble?Wiggert: In the beginning it is the chicken and egg problem of course. But you can start by putting in the task yourself. So in the beginning when we started here in Amsterdam we put down tasks for all the different locations and allowing the community to grow. And once we had a community base it was very interesting for fast-moving consumer goods manufacturers. You don’t need too many Roamlers to have a workforce. If you have a couple of thousand Roamlers per country you can do very well.Martin: Okay, but did you focus on specific cities first on specific areas in the Netherlands?Martijn: In the Nether lands we started with nationwide.Martin: Okay. Because I would have assumed that you would have to generate a specific density in one place so you can sell this kind of dense network to fast-moving consumer companies, for example?Martijn: Well, the Netherlands is one dense area. It’s pretty densely populated throughout the country. It’s a different story in Germany, for ins tance, or in Chili, in South America, where we are also active, there’s like two big cities, one in the center and one up in the North, and that’s like 80% of the economy. So it is a totally different landscape there as compared to Holland. And there we do a city by city approach. In Holland we did just a national rollout at once.Martin: How do you acquire the individual customers? How do you generate the app installs?Wiggert: Pretty much there they acquire it themselves. We like to have a system where they can find other Roamler, so as a Roamler you can find another Roamler, and by doing this the Roamler tells the story of Roamler to the other Roamler, making sure that the conversion is as high as possible. Because before you’re allowed to do commercial tasks, tasks that we could have for our customers, you have to do ten tasks to really get to know the system, and we go to their boot camp, and if you are failing during a boot camp, it’s not a win for us of course. So the b etter you know about the concept before you start, the better chances are you can get to level two where you can do commercial tasks.Martijn: Then there is one other thing. At least in Holland, but in very many countries that we’re active in, if you start telling consumers that they can make money with their iPhone or their smartphone just by performing very easy workaround tasks, you don’t need to say too much more to convince them to join the crowd. People like to earn an extra buck.Martin: And they’re simple tasks, as you said, just taking pictures?Martijn: It’s simple, and it’s also convenient because you have to go to the supermarket to get your groceries, so we just invite you once you’re there toâ€"Martin: Pay for your grocery.Martijn: Yeah, we make it a little bit easier for you, and you just have to go to the soda shelf or the beer shelf or the diaper shelf, take some notes, make a picture, and that’s it.Martin: Great. Let’s talk briefly about the corporate strategy. Who do you perceive are your biggest competitors in Europe or in the Netherlands? And what does it take to outperform them?Martijn: In Europe when we started there was no competition. There were two initiatives in the US which were similar to ours, they started a couple of months earlier. In Europe there was nothing, so it was a very luxury situation, but then again we were not Europe, we were in Holland. Then about nine months later there was a first copy concept in Holland, they’re still a competitor. And during the past three years, ten, fifteen, twenty initiatives have started throughout Europe. At the moment most of the competition is local, and we know the way that we can keep in front of them, stay in front of them, it’s just to really get the European footprint, because we are convinced that we are still Europe’s biggest player in terms of coverage. If we really have a solid footprint throughout Europe then we will remain and become more interesting for our c ustomers who are also very regional orientated.Martin: So is it that fast-moving consumer goods companies are more global, that’s why they want to have this kind of global footprint and access, because they want to look at the stores in Germany, Italy, etc., and if you have people using your app there then this is the competitive advantage, that’s why you want to scale very fast in these kinds of areas?Wiggert: I think so. Scale is an advantage, and also we see a lot of competitors focusing more on the infrastructure, having also a broad variety of applications. I think here again focus is key as well, so focus on retail, focus on really what the marketing manager is worrying about, or the people responsible for on-shelf availability. Also having a closer fit to your business, something that we really try to do. At least for some of the competitors we see they have greater infrastructure, for example you have to review the task yourself, which is fine, but I think it is having a bit of focus or different focus works for us.Martin: How did the corporates do their market research four or five years ago when no company like yours existed in Europe?Martijn: Market research is about locations based insights which we focus on. They didn’t do it. Or they used their own field force for it, or their hired field force, which was very expensive. To give you an explanation â€" which was also the explanation for this business model â€" in my previous company we had a project in which on a monthly basis we had to visit three hundred random bus stations to collect some data from those bus stations. We did that with physical people that we put in the car with a Tom Tom Sat Nav, with a picture camera, with a question list, all that was collected and sent to the office, then data entry, you can imagine it’s pretty time and money intensive. That’s how we did that before.Wiggert: Now you can do it in a single morning.Martijn: Yeah, now you can do it in a single morning. So we cut out a lot of staff, we cut out personnel, we don’t need staff anymore, we cut out mileage, people don’t have to drive to a specific location because we know that you are in the vicinity of the location already. So we cut out the most expensive parts of that process, and time of course.Martin: And it’s variable.Wiggert: Yes. I think all the competitors in the market are companies like GFK, companies that provide retail insights, although they are focused most of the time on consumer research and consumer data, that will be something that they will do as well, and we can deliver it at a fraction of their price.Martin: How big is this location based market in Netherlands or in Europe?Martijn: I’ve no idea. No, really, it’s big. We can look at our revenue, but that’s not the market. I think where we are now it can be at times five to ten in the Netherlands. It doesn’t tell you anything but it is alike an indication. I really can’t put a number on it. It can be a hundred million Mark, it can be a billion Mark, I really am not sure.Wiggert: And still a market that needs to be created as well. I think that the thing we’re doing, since it’s more accessible for companies, we are creating a market that wasn’t there. So we’ll have to see how big we can get the market.Martin: We share some very cool insights with our readers based on your personal experience. You wanted to share some experience on what sales errors first time entrepreneurs are making or that sales is very important, and the second thing is that every entrepreneur should focus on staying fit and healthy. What can you tell us for the first point?Martijn: Well, we can start lecturing sales for hours. [chuckles] It is not that we know the exact number or the recipe, but we know not only from this company but also from other companies that we have had before, you can have a brilliant idea, product, technical concept, whatever you have, it doesn’t come to the market without anybody selling it. So sales is in our DNA so it’s the first step. We take sales very seriously in terms of the entire process. It’s like written in a book, we follow the rules as far as creating your segmentation, who are your prospective customers, put them on the list, make a sales script, and start making phone calls. Of course you start with a playfield of people that you know, but you run out of them at some point. So they really have to just follow the rules, make phone calls, learn from each phone call and make your next phone call better. Make volumes, don’t spend your day making five phone calls, make thirty phone calls or fifty phone calls. And then it is all going to be sales funneled, then you have a thousand phone calls, and then you have business meetings, you have follow-up meetings, you negotiate, and then all of sudden you have ten customers. The better you get at managing that process, the higher your conversion will be. I think we did a good job but we coul d do way better if we invested more in sales right from the beginning three years ago. We advise it to our partners too. So we tell them this is your framework business guys, you need project management, and you need community management, you need finance, blah, blah, blah, but sales is at the top. Even before you go live in your country you have to take a three-month period to initiate sales with two people.Martin: What do you advise technical firms, because in Europe most firms are technically based. How can they change their mindset or maybe find another co-founder who has this kind of sales mindset?Wiggert: I think that’s maybe the solution, find another co-founder who really goes for marketing, because when we started Roamler we actually got the idea December 30th, and before we made an agreement with each other that we need to find customers before we go live, because we were both running quite a successful company. We did not want to leave the other companies when there was nothing to go to. So we decided we don’t need to be customers, we need to have this proof concept, both technical and businesswise. So selling is something that we really started from the beginning.Martijn: Yeah. We even had the first contract before we even had the app. We just had a PowerPoint slide and just some drawings, and we just told imaginary stories. And I think that’s another thing for technical startups, don’t only start selling once you think it’s ready, that’s some kind of fear that a lot of people have, “It’s not ready, it’s not read yet, so I’m not going to talk to people because it’s not ready yet.” We said we have an idea, on February 1st 2011 we had a phone call, he called me and he said if you’re not going to do anything with it I am going to take that business. I said, okay, if you’re not going to do it I’m going to the business. So we joined forces. And then we just went to potential clients and we just told them imaginary stories. Imagine that we can market research locations relevant for you within two days. And they were like, “What? If you can do that, we might be your partner.” We said, okay, we think we can do that. So, especially for technical startups, start sharing it before it’s even on the table. Just tell your idea, and the sharing also goes with sharing the entire cake. I see a lot of fear where people say I have this brilliant idea and then they talk to family and friends about it, and then they might get as far as saying we have to get somebody who works it out with you, but I’m not giving away my share and it’s mine and blah, blah, blah, the possessive attitude. And I think that kills everything, because if you start sharing it, not only by telling the story but also sharing it literally by saying you know how to sell, you’re good at sales, so you take a piece of the cake, because the cake eventually starts growing.Martin:   If you can’t sell a product then your company is worth z ero, and 100% of zero is less than something of a bigger cake. You do a lot of sports Martijn. Tell us what you would advise first-time entrepreneurs to do for staying physically and mentally fit?Wiggert: That’s a tip that I got three years ago from another entrepreneur who I told about Roamler and the adventure that we were starting, and he said there is a lot of things going to happen if this becomes a successful startup, the world will be all over you and you will be flying in the air, it’s very hard to keep your feet on the ground, blah, blah, blah, and other things might happen. He said there is only one thing that really matters â€" stay fit. And stay fit in terms of physical fitness, not over weight, eat well, do a lot of sports, but also mentally fit, take your rest, even start meditating. I don’t really meditate on a regular basis, but I try, and especially now I’m in a very active mode in terms of sports. It’s all relative, because it’s where I came from. But i f you do nothing then you will lose. I do more now, but I really start feeling the benefits in terms of sleeping well, in terms of having the feeling that I work less and produce more. I think it’s one of the most important lesson for life, but especially for entrepreneurs who really come like bull’s eye with an idea and then everybody is all over them and then it is very difficult to keep your feet on the ground and really stay fit.So we’ve had an initiative in this company where a friend if ours started this seven day recharge programs, and we decided to join that program with the entire company. That program consist of just conscious living throughout one week, which is pretty easy, seven day. But it came down to no coffee, no alcohol, a lot of exercising, meditation, yoga, no connectivity in terms of mobile and internet after 8:30 p.m., wake up without snoozing, all small and big stuff which is doable within a week. And after that week some of those aspects just stated to become part of the program. I know that to make a change in your program it takes 21 days, but seven days is a good start. So conscious living, conscious eating became part of the company.Martin: Okay, thank you very much Martijn and Wiggert for you time.